Sunday, September 23, 2012

Nadine Speaks Out About World Events

Hi y'all!  I'm taking me a little bitty break from the presidential election to speak out on a world event that really hurts my heart!  A couple weeks ago, somebody posted a very offensive and prejudicial video on YouTube, claiming it represented America's beliefs.   In the video, they insulted the Muslim religion, basically punching them in the face.  Well, they didn't actually punch anyone but they would have caused less harm if they'd just spit on someone.

Here's what I want to say.  Y'all, Muslims and such, especially from other countries, we're not all the same as you in America.  In our country, we allow any ol' dumb ass to speak up about his or her ignorant beliefs.   I'm always embarrassed about what my granny says out loud but she has a right, like every American, to share her own ignorant opinion and she loves to hear it out loud!  Some Americans lie, others insult people, and some say horrible things meant to enrage others.

I know I wasn't going to speak on the presidential election, but that Mr. Romney sure spins a good yarn.  (That's a nice way of sayin' he is a liar.)  I'm pretty sure he's prejudiced against people who don't have no money too. 

In America, we practice any religion we choose and we believe in everyone's right to do that.  I'd like to apologize for the insanely ignorant jack asses who made that video.  I hope y'all understand that this is not a representation of us American folks.  We try not to do things that make other folks want to destroy us and our country, but, like I said, there's always a dumb ass out there who needs attention.

I just hope you have a great day!  By the way, many Americans celebrate their faith on Sunday, so I chose to write this on that day of the week.  I don't know when y'all do your prayin' and stuff but whenever it is, I hope you can do it freely.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Mitt Romney-Related to Marie Antoinette?

I just found out that Mitt Romney's distant relative was Marie Antoinette!  Did y'all know that?  It seems that the Romney's lived in France before the whole Mormon thing started and Mitt's daddy's great great granny was the one and only Marie Antoinette.  Mitt's grand dad decided to do the whole plural marriage thing because he was scared that one of his wives might lose her head like his great granny did!  Can you believe it?

Disclaimer-In case anyone doesn't know this, I am a comedian, not a fact checker.  I can't reveal my sources at this time and I wouldn't swear to anything I say here.  Not on a bible anyway!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Nadine on Mitt Romney

Hey y'all!  I realized it's been forever since I've blogged and this presidential election is so darn exciting!   As you might recall, I was planning to be on the ticket with Mr. Donald Trump.       
As y'all know, my fifth husband Earl refused to give me a divorce so I was not able to marry "The Donald"  and run as his vice president.

Now, Mr. Mitt Romney is running against our current president, Mr. Barak Obama.   I must say, Mr. Obama is no moslim, nor is he a foreign born citizen.   He's red, white, blue, and a little coffee and cream and 100 Percent American!  He's got my vote for sure!  Here's a poster showin' my feelins'  about Mitt Witt.  (That's my nickname for Mr. Romney.)  If y'all agree with me, share this with your friends.  And I'd love to have you follow my blog because I have more to say in this presidential election!

Y'all don't forget to vote now, y' hear?  Unless you want to vote for Mitt.  Then you might as well skip it!

Love to y'all,